Hospitals, health care agencies, and public health programs provide Classes and Group Support on nutrition, health and fitness topics. Lactation Counselors and Nutrition and Health Counselors can assist individuals in meeting their personal goals for health and well-being. Visit Parks and Recreation for local fitness, sports and recreation activities in Ventura County.

Classes and Group Support

Camarillo Health Care District
Community Memorial Hospital
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous – HOW
Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Association
Los Robles Hospital and Medical Center
Overeaters Anonymous
Simi Valley Hospital
St. John’s Regional Medical Center: Classes & Events
Take Off Pounds Sensibly
Ventura County Public Health
Ventura County Public Health Chronic Disease Prevention Programs: Calendar of Events
Weight Watchers (Ages 13 & up)
Senior Concerns

Lactation Counselors

Breastfeeding Coalition of Ventura County
International Lactation Consultant Association: Find a Lactation Consultant

Nutrition and Health Counselors

Contact your health care provider, health plan, or employee wellness program for opportunities that are available to you for medical nutrition therapy, nutrition counseling, or health coaching.

Camarillo Health Care District
Community Memorial Hospital
Find a Registered Dietitian

Local Recreation

Visit Parks and Recreation for local fitness, sports and recreation activities in Ventura County.

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